Friday 14 September 2012

So, I'm really not sure what is happening...they didn't put the double decker on, BUT instead they sent two round ! How thoughtful !!!! I was well made up. The Fat controller must still be off, It's either that or he is back and it's the early one running late and the late one running early. I think I know which way it is....All the DIY fold downs were in use and there's a woman opposite talking to someone in Dehli and she sounds very cross but she's smiling, very disconcerting when a woman does that. I think the trainers that the bloke next to me is wearing has used up all the odour eaters allowance and the pitbull that has just got on has taken a shine to them, which is ripe. I just heard Audrey's sister, Dolly say to Gladys that Audrey and Ernie have been in Skeggy all week as It's their anniversary. Apparently she couldn't wait to give him one because she forgot to buy him a present last year and she was quite excited. She's bought him a new washing up set complete with matching Marigolds, which is rubbery. Ha! It's emptied out a bit and pissed up Dave and postie Pete have passed out on the back seat. Marvellous. There's a funny smell of lavender in here...

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